Kerri Bound

kerri bound

Mature Sensual Companion

Things to know before contacting me:

I'm honestly very busy with responsibilites outside of this. Please understand if I can't respond immediately.

Please do not call/text me as a form of initial contact. I get spammy calls/texts like everyone else and prefer we start our communication via email first. If this prevents us from meeting, I am sorry.

Please do not ask me for sexual favors.

I do require referrals, but I care about your privacy and will keep your information private.

I won't waste your time; please do not waste mine. Unless there are serious mitigating factors, I am timely with appointments, and I hope you are, too.

Understand that safe practices are non-negotiable. I won't change my mind about this even if we're having a great time, so please don't ask for or attempt anything unsafe. If you ask for or attempt anything unsafe, I will end our time together immediately. I also will not accept bribes for unsafe acts.

I respect your right to smoke, but for the enjoyment of all, I am not a good fit as a companion to a smoker (even if you refrain from smoking during our time together). There is nothing that you can do to completely remove the smell from your lungs/breath, so please do not think you can mask it. I also prefer that you are not heavily fragranced; I'm quite sensitive to both perfumes and heavily-scented soaps.

When we meet:

Please have your donation placed on a counter; an unsealed envelope is optional.

When you contact me:

If my above conditions are not a problem for you, please email me at with your real name and place of employment. If you already have desired dates in mind, please note that in your message, and I can let you know right away if I am available. I prefer email as the main form of communication; sometimes I do not have privacy to respond immediately to texts, but I will give you my number to text once we set up time together to aid in coordinating our meeting and setting up future encounters.

Also, it is helpful to me to know a little bit about you, and, in broad terms, what kind of experience you desire. I am not the right companion for everyone, but for those that have preferences that are complimentary to mine, we can have an outstanding time.

If as part of your screening, you are providing okays from another site, please contact me with the same email you use at that site so I know the okays are really for you. Preferred411 members, please PM from the site directly. I still like to contact your okays, so understand that even with a white list or okays, reference checking can take some time.

If you also work in a "peer-reviewed" field, you might want to include your broad area of study; for discretionary purposes, it's best if we haven't met before.